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Entry #11. Blogging.
Having a blogger made me realize that I have been blogging all of my life. Posting my thoughts on the internet and making comments under peoples photos or any cause is exactly bogging because it is social. I started to like blogging on blogger because it was something I've been doing but differently. Differently in the way where I had to talk about specific and non-specific things to people who I didn't really know that much. Knowing that I was having "people that I didn't really know that much" allowed to look at my blogs, made me challenge myself to be more professional in my writing. This blogging experience made me think twice about my writing and check for any mistakes, maybe because I was getting graded but I was careful. I had some fun with this blogging experience and I'm glad I was allowed to write about anything in some entries. There was no judgement, I few advices but I learned form them. It was a good experience blogging on blogger.
Marivy--I am glad you found value in the blog project. Your writing has grown this semester. Keep pushing and analyzing. Good work.