The popular Netflix documentary  "What The Health" states facts about obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. To be honest, there was so much bias against processed meats and sugar, my blood started to boil a little. I wanted to stop watching the film after 20 minutes because everything that I knew I was eating lead to all the statistics of diabetes and cancer. though I learned a lot about the cause, there was a connection to the film "fresh" that advised eating more vegetables and less processed meats. The film is skewed towards a low-fat vegan diet. In the opening Kip Anderson, a film producer, describes his qualifications as a “recovering hypochondriac.” The tone is dark and dramatic music plays during animal agriculture scenes and the video spans over primarily overweight individuals walking along the street. Upbeat music accompanies any discussion of a vegan diet and its many benefits. The film advocates for a solely vegan diet and an expert on the panel states there is no room for “moderation.” The word “terrifying” is used when describing food. The film uses a scare-tactic approach to push its agenda of persuading viewers to a low-fat vegan diet.

Things to know,

Diabetes is not caused by eating a high carbohydrate diet or sugar. Diabetes is caused by pancreatic insufficiency or insulin resistance, not by a high carbohydrate diet or sugar. In the film, All the American diabetes associations websites showed recipes of red meat when according kip(film producer), processed meat such as pork, turkey and chicken all lead to cancer. The focus on sugar has taken all the focus off meat. As destructive as diabetes is, it pales in comparison to heart disease.

Over 17 million people die every year from Cardiovascular disease, it is the #1 cause around the world. I did a little more research on this statement that was said on the film and according to the world health organization program, Over three quarters of CVD deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries. If you want to know more about it visit the actual website with more facts →http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs317/en/

We would have a much healthier population if people followed a plant-based diet. however, plant-based diets lead to having or living a vegan life, if properly eating healthy. I know a vegan diet doesn't work for everyone(including myself ) but we all have our reasons why or why not we cant follow, we are so used to our habits of eating what we eat and think "well it didn't kill me yesterday, it sure wont today" wrong. Its going to kill you in the long run and to top off this film with just simply three words "ITS THE FOOD" causing all these disease. In any case, I think we can do a little better making Plant-based diets our biggest priority.

Please feel free to comment about more information and questions or if you have a Netflix account just simply watch the film yourself, thank you.
