Hello ladies and germs I want to talk to you guys about the upcoming HALLOWEEN!!! I know I know what loser is going to sit in front of a laptop and talk about candy and customs... well me! I guess I ran out of things to talk about today so I'm deciding to talk about the spooky holiday we call Halloween. Did you guys know why we dress up and go treat-or-treating and everything is scary? yeah me neither but I had found out on a recent research that Many European cultural traditions hold that Halloween is a time when magic is most potent and spirits can make contact with the physical world . In Christian times, it became a celebration of the evening before All Saints’ Day . Immigrants from Scotland and Ireland brought the holiday to the United States, according to this website → https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/Halloween . Its pretty legit and all but how I see it, we love to have fun with Halloween. its a day where we can be ANYTHING in public and nobody can say anything a...